As My Camera Sees It · May 2014


….HAIL !!!

Oh, Hail!
Oh, Hail!

Things were a bit crazy here at home in Colorado for five minutes.

We had a loud, damaging hail storm, dark ominous clouds, sunshine, and tornado warnings – ALL at the same time.

Five minutes later, all is well, except maybe our new roof and poor little plants.

Sunshine and Hail
Sunshine and Hail

Ominous dark skies and tornado warnings.  See the hail still falling in the picture below?

Ominous skies
Ominous skies
Yep, hail
Yep, hail





7 thoughts on “Oh…..

    1. Oh, me, too, Kate. My poor husband was pacing and moaning, “The roof…the roof…” But what can you do, right? Compared to so many people in tornado alley, we really don’t have it bad here in Colorado.


Comments, Suggestions, Kudos, Anyone?