As My Camera Sees It · May 2014

Location, location, location….or just irony???

They say location is everything.

Yesterday I walked into my gym,  Bally’s, for the first time in a while.

Hello, old friend
Hello, old friend

I was huffing and puffing on the treadmill, heart racing like a race car, when I looked out the front window and THIS is the view directly across the highway!

I didn’t find it particularly reassuring.

Inspiring or not?
Inspiring or not?


13 thoughts on “Location, location, location….or just irony???

    1. For me, Val, at this stage in my deconditioned pathos (yeah, it’s bad,) even Yoga is a sport. At the end of 12 weeks, I want to do the Salutation to the Sun completely and Warrior Pose without falling over!


      1. Focus and breathe easy my friend! It usually takes about 6 classes before our bodies can start to anticipate the poses … and start to relax. When that happens anything is possible!! 🙂


    1. It does inspire me – to keep breathing, Nancy, AND to keep working out. I’d rather be in the gym than across the highway, for sure.


    1. Well, it either scares the wits out of you or inspires you to lose weight and stay fit. Thankfully, I still have my wits and I’m inspired so I agree. It’s greatness! 🙂


    1. Oh, Deb, I think that would have cured me forever of going to a dentist. I had enough nightmares sitting in a dentist’s chair without the fear of ghosts, too.


    1. You make me laugh, Nancy!

      What’s really funny is that all of the construction from yesterday’s post is right in between these two places so, although they’re so close, they’re yet so “far.” It would take forever to get from one place to the other which is another good reason to “just keep breathing.”



Comments, Suggestions, Kudos, Anyone?