

And things that go bump in the night!

More Wind
More Wind

Wind and more wind in Colorado, for three days and nights.

Wind – and all those things that go “bump in the night” with 60+ mph gusts.   It makes me jumpy.

Sleeping.  Startled awake.  “What was that?”  (Gasp) Heart racing…..

Listen.  Listen harder.   Then another gust and another “bump.”  Nerves frayed.  Sleep deprived.  Jumpy and on-edge.

Springtime in Colorado.  Flowers blooming.  Wind howling.  The Good, The Lovely, and the Ugly.

Today, another day of wind.

Yet for all the annoyance, my complaints pale in significance to the suffering of many in Mississippi, Arkansas, Alabama and others living in Tornado Alley.

I’m only annoyed.  They’re devastated.  Everything is relative.

I can handle wind gusts in Colorado.   I can only pray for those experiencing tornadoes in other states.    Bless them all and save them from the horror of deadly bumps in the night.

As My Camera Sees It · Flowers


“If we could see the miracle of a single flower clearly, our whole life would change.”

Tulip April 2014
Tulip April 2014

                                        (Photo edited using PicMonkey)

Computer frustrations this morning (no-thanks to Microsoft) make this tulip picture all the more beautiful to me as I look for the “miracle” in this computer age.

That being said, today I’m going to focus on reaching out to others in love,  not via technology, but with a simple hand-written note card to mail to a friend.

I’m going to do hands-on work on a knitting project for charity.

I’m going to cook a real dinner, not microwaved, but the old-fashioned way – with love and gratitude and natural ingredients.

And I’m going to turn off my cell phone, turn off my computer, and listen to the birds singing and savor the smell of spring and rain.

Today, I’m focusing on the simple miracles of my very simple life.

And I wish you all a miracle in your life today, too.



Always Intriguing

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”
Khalil Gibran

 I have always been fascinated with pyramids.   I find the shape mysterious and intriguing, as if it captures something eternal.

While practicing with the different features of my Samsung Camera yesterday, I took these pictures using different ISO settings.

This is actually one pyramid “gazing at itself in a mirror.”  Is it not mysterious and beautiful?

Always Intriguing
Always Intriguing
Light Dims but Never Dies
Light Dims but Never Dies

Time in a Paperweight

“Time is too slow for those who wait, too swift for those who fear, too long for those who grieve, too short for those who rejoice, but for those who love, time is eternity.”
Henry Van Dyke

Henry Van Dyke was an American Essayist and Short Story writer who lived from 1853 to 1933.  My grandma died in 1940 and this was her paperweight.   The container it’s sitting in was hers as well.


I never met my grandma as I was born many years later, but I have always loved her paperweight.

She used to work in the County Clerk and Recorders Office in Kansas because she had such beautiful handwriting.  This sat on her desk before she even married my grandpa.

As a child I used to spend hours looking at the world through this paperweight.  I thought it was a beautiful child’s world – even with all its chips and cracks.

Today, I still cherish this very old paperweight and I still look through it at my world – with all its chips and cracks.

And, yes, it’s still a beautiful world.

For those who love, time is eternity –  and though I never met my grandma, her love has been passed down through many generations.

Still beautiful
Still beautiful
My World Today
My World Today



Take Time for a Moment of Beauty

…. because it’s good for the soul and I happen to agree with Ralph Waldo Emerson when he wrote:

“Never lose an opportunity of seeing anything that is beautiful; for beauty is God’s handwriting — a wayside sacrament.
Welcome it in every fair face, in every fair sky, in every fair flower,  and thank God for it as a cup of blessing.”

A Moment of Beauty
A Moment of Beauty

Talk about a stunning example of “God’s handwriting.”

I don’t know what this lovely flower is so I’m not sure how to care for it.   Does anyone else have a clue?  Help, please!!!

It was an Easter gift and didn’t come with any instructions, so I’ll have to savor the beauty for as long as I can until, and when, I learn how to care for it.

Beautiful Colors
Beautiful Colors

Wouldn’t today be a great day to look for God’s handwriting in your life?



Easter was a blessing and is now a happy memory.

Lots of family love.  Hugs galore.  Laughter.

And memories – sweet memories.

Cooking and preparing for 20 guests was a bit of a challenge for me.  Clearly, I’m not as young as I used to be!  But every minute of preparation and work was worth it.

So now I’ve “recovered” and am back to blogging…and happy to be back!

Easter 2014
Easter 2014
Love this wreath
Love this wreath



To Clone or Not to Clone?

Spring house-cleaning, painting, carpet-cleaners coming tomorrow, furniture delivery on Thursday, car issues, an online class, and more friends than I can ever remember at one time wanting to meet for lunch, dinner, coffee…. and Easter is nearly here!

I need a clone!!!

Perhaps one of the lovely redheads in this group picture  (in a store at Cherry Creek North) would be willing to help me out.  🙂

To clone or not to clone...
To clone or not to clone…


While walking in my backyard the other day, I was suddenly dive-bombed by this little one!   He or she scared the wits out of me!

There must be a nest close-by and I had the nerve to trespass!

I love spring!

Thou shalt not pass!


In indignant turn-of-the-back after issuing a stern warning to me.
