June 2014 · Sunsets

After My Walk Last Night

… this!

Hope in the Heavens
Hope in the Heavens

I call it “Hope in the Heavens.”

There’s something about a new moon that  lifts my spirits and helps me believe that there’s  always hope and always something grand to believe in.

Last night it occurred to me that perhaps I should start believing in myself … for the first time.



13 thoughts on “After My Walk Last Night

  1. I can only agree with the others – and you. Do believe in yourself. We all have amazing capacities inside of us. Love the photos by the way. There is something special about a new moon, isn’t there!?


    1. Thanks, Otto. I do love the magic and mystery of a new moon. And I’m also discovering the “magic” of believing in myself. I appreciate the encouragement.


Comments, Suggestions, Kudos, Anyone?