General · May 2014 · Uncategorized

True Hero

Today the biggest Memorial Day tribute in the United States took place at Folsom Field in Boulder, Colorado.

It’s an annual event that takes place at noon every Memorial Day at the conclusion of the BolderBOULDER.

Unfortunately, in the last 5 months since pot became legal in Colorado, most of the focus in Colorado and the nation has been on that one subject.

Today, however, the focus was on veterans who have so bravely served and are still serving in our Armed Forces.

Two WWII veterans were especially honored today in Boulder, both having fought in the horrendous battle of Iwo Jima.  One of them, Jack Thurman, is a family friend.

Here are some  pictures of Jack that I took as we watched the whole event on TV.

So young…

Jack Thurman
Jack Thurman

On Iwo Jima…

On Iwo Jima
On Iwo Jima

After the long, bloody battle, Jack is on far left lifting his helmet high after the raising of the American flag on Iwo Jima!

After the Flag was Raised
After the Flag was Raised

Below is Jack today – a true hero and a good man!

Thank you, Jack, and thank you to all our veterans!

Have you thanked a Vet today?

Jack today.
Jack today.



4 thoughts on “True Hero

  1. Very nice tribute. We watched the Memorial Day Concert in front of the capital in D.C. ~ its 25th Anniversary. They did a nice job with the tribute stories ~ including one veteran who lost both legs and both arms in Afghanistan. I can’t even begin to imagine what that would be like.


    1. Truly, heroes are among us, Nancy. We watched the Capital Memorial Service, too, and like you, I have nothing but admiration for the brave heroes who have sacrificed so much for this country.


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