June 2014 · Sunsets

After My Walk Last Night

… this!

Hope in the Heavens
Hope in the Heavens

I call it “Hope in the Heavens.”

There’s something about a new moon that  lifts my spirits and helps me believe that there’s  always hope and always something grand to believe in.

Last night it occurred to me that perhaps I should start believing in myself … for the first time.



As My Camera Sees It · Flowers · May 2014


…usually help lift my sagging spirits and tonight I’ve got a case of the “sags.”

(Actually, I have a case of the “sags” all the time now, just in a more literal physical sense. 🙂   Tonight, though, I’m specifically addressing my mood.)

So, short and to the point, here are some lovely flowers I’ve manged to photograph over the last couple of days.

I hope these flowers lift your “sags,” too.

Lots of Color
Lots of Color
A Green Beauty
A Green Beauty

Always Intriguing

Beauty is eternity gazing at itself in a mirror.”
Khalil Gibran

 I have always been fascinated with pyramids.   I find the shape mysterious and intriguing, as if it captures something eternal.

While practicing with the different features of my Samsung Camera yesterday, I took these pictures using different ISO settings.

This is actually one pyramid “gazing at itself in a mirror.”  Is it not mysterious and beautiful?

Always Intriguing
Always Intriguing
Light Dims but Never Dies
Light Dims but Never Dies
Inspiration · January · Postaday

Just at Sunrise

6:30 a.m.

The night is ending and a new day begins, and for a few moments, the world feels at peace.
There is great comfort in the order of the heavens.

“When I consider Your heavens, the work of Your fingers,
The moon and the stars, which You have ordained;
What is man that You take thought of him,
And the son of man that You care for him?”
Psalm 8:3

For peace in the world, let peace begin with me this day.

Heavenly Peace
Heavenly Peace

If you would like to be a Blogger for Peace, it’s very simple.   You can join Kozo and others in this meaningful venture by clicking here for more information.

And for even more “peaceful” inspiration, check out Just Patty’s post at Petite Magique

General · January

Dancing in Contrasts

Today at Barnes and Noble, I was perusing a beautiful book by National Geographic.  It’s called  National Geographic Dawn to Dark Photographs:  The Magic of Light.  (Here’s the link to Amazon and, no,  I’m not an affiliate): 

I was awed by the exquisite beauty captured in so many of the pictures.  People, places, tragedies and celebrations were all there, captured by the lenses of various photographers.  In all of them, what I noticed most was the dramatic interplay of shadows and sun rays, darkness and light, all in contrast yet dancing together to create unforgettable and gorgeous vignettes of life.  As a beginning photographer, I aspire to capturing such beauty myself with my camera.

Yet even more profound than the photographic lesson I learned today is the life lesson I learned.  To create an inspiring and unforgettable life story, one must strive to find balance, appreciate the contrasts, and learn to dance in the shadows and sun rays, the darkness and the light of life.

Unfortunately, my picture today is not a study in contrasts.  I’m still learning about my camera and about photography.  This picture was taken in full daylight.  It’s an interesting little rest area on a hill in our local park.  While photographing it, I couldn’t help imagining 500 years from now,  if it is still standing, perhaps some archaeologist will stumble upon it and consider it the discovery of a lifetime!